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Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs

Blood diseases, called haematological disorders, are common group of diseases caused by incorrect function of the hematopoietic system. These include, among others, anaemia, hypocirculation, hypercirculation, haemophilia, in the first stadium accompanied by standard symptoms: weight loss, fever and constant tiredness. In case of diagnosis of the hematopoietic system diseases, apart from pharmacological treatment, stay of patients in specialized sanatoriums is very advisable.

In haematological sanatoriums, such diseases are treated as:
Iron deficiency anaemia
vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia
folate deficiency anaemia
other nutritional deficiency anaemia
post infectious anaemia
general variable immunodeficiency
Blood diseases are treated mainly with balneological therapy – mineral water applications, bath.
Carbon dioxide baths improve myocardial contractility and coronary circulation, reduce high blood pressure, dilate skin vessels (redness reaction) and activate the function of the endocrine glands and central nervous system.
Natural hydrogen sulphide baths cause vasodilation of the skin, enable heart work, contribute to the healing of skin diseases and the elimination of protein breakdown products from the body. They have anti-inflammatory, absorbable, analgesic and desensitizing effects. They affect the cardiovascular system similarly to carbon dioxide baths.
Natural radon baths bring specific effect on the body due to alpha radiation coming from the decay of atoms of a radioactive gas – radon. They have visible soothing and analgesic effect, improve heart function, and normalize blood pressure. Under the influence of radon baths, healing and resorption in nerve fibres, muscle and bone tissue are accelerated.
