Digestive system
In the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, intestines, esophagus, stomach and liver, a proper diet is necessary. When diagnosing diseases of the digestive system, including bowel diseases, it is worth planning a wellness stay in a sanatorium of gastroenterological profile, which successfully complements pharmacological treatment.
The following diseases are treated in Polish gastroenterological sanatoriums:
phases after acute viral hepatitis
phase after gastrectomy due to peptic ulcer
Crohn’s disease without complications
non-specific ulcerative colitis without complications
cirrhosis of the liver (without hepatic encephalopathy, ascites, jaundice, varicose veins of the esophagus)
chronic diseases of the esophagus (dislocation, diverticulosis, groove spasm)
stomach ulcer
duodenal ulcer
chronic hepatitis
chronic pancreatitis
gastroesophageal reflux disease – I, II or III degree
non-ulcer dyspepsia
functional disorders of the stomach, intestines or follicle
In specialized sanatoriums, in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, drug treatment methods are used as little as possible. A huge role in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract in sanatoriums is played by dietary intake and the use of mineral waters with different contents of useful substances (carbonates, sulfates, iodine bromine and others), depending on the disease. In addition to mineral waters, the doctor can prescribe carbon dioxide, mud or sulfur baths, bowel washing, cryotherapy, various types of massage, sessions in a salt cave, Charcot’s shower (Scottish shower), inhalation, gymnastics, acupuncture, magneto and laser therapy.