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Genitourinary System

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract can be completely asymptomatic, especially in the initial stages. A great help to the pharmacological treatment of the diseases of these organs is the spa treatment in specialized urological sanatoriums.
Polish sanatoriums of this type offer their patients the treatment of the following diseases:

phases after surgery of congenital malformations of the kidneys and after kidney removal
phases after kidney transplantation with stable transplant function without systemic complications
phases after acute catheter-interstitial nephritis (within 12 months after inflammation)
chronic glomerulonephritis in the initial period, in remission
phases after poisoning with signs of kidney damage
nephrotic syndrome in the initial period without edema, hypertension
chronic kidney failure
phases after surgery on the urinary tract up to 12 months after the last operation
chronic non-specific inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract
recurrent urolithiasis or ureter (not requiring surgery)
phases after surgical removal of calculi in the urinary tract and after stone crushing procedures, up to 12 months after the procedure
uric acid diathesis
phases after poisoning with signs of kidney damage
urinary incontinence
In the treatment of the genitourinary system, an important therapeutic factor is drinking mineral water. They dissolve and wash out microbes and toxins which are in the genitourinary tract. Mineral water also increases the solubility of salts in the urine and helps to stop their precipitation. Mineral water should have a pronounced diuretic effect, have analgesic, tonic and antispasmodic effects, as well as have an anti-inflammatory effect and promote the dissolution of mucus. Regular intake of mineral water contributes to the exit of small stones. In addition to taking mineral water in the treatment of the genitourinary system, balneological treatment, physiotherapy and mud therapy are used. Iodine-bromine baths improve renal blood flow and the functional state of the kidneys, normalize the metabolic process in the kidneys, which reduces the inflammatory process and has a beneficial effect on the urinary tract. Radon baths have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Mud applications on the lumbar region contribute to increased urine output, improved renal blood flow, have anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.
With nephrotic syndrome, climate therapy is very important. The state of “relative rest” for the kidneys is achieved due to increased sweating and loss of water through the lungs, which helps to reduce water retention in tissues and the release of sodium chloride. These and many other treatments are offered in urological sanatorium in Poland.
